
Transit Wi-Fi
- Isotrope, as subject matter expert and design lead, performed all the RF engineering work and oversaw facility design for a trackside network in the Northeast.
- Isotrope worked with an integrator to locate Wi-Fi access points within passenger rail cars on projects in Utah and California.
- Isotrope validated and optimized the design for a trackside network along a new Light Rail right-of-way in the Northeast.
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Hospital Public Safety DAS System
Isotrope helped a large suburban Boston Hospital when it was required to enhance Public Safety radio coverage within their old and new structures. Isotrope designed and managed the installation of a cost effective DAS system.
Massachusetts Town Public Safety Radio System
Isotrope conducted an evaluation of public safety radio coverage and a point-of-failure analysis for a Massachusetts town.

Wireless Network Site Audit
A major wireless carrier was performing audits of its wireless facilities, seeking to obtain detailed wiring plans, floor plans and equipment inventories of the current installations in its base station facilities. One of the carrier’s contractors was given 36 sites to audit on short deadline. The contractor turned to Isotrope to quickly mobilize and perform the audits. Originally tasked with half of the sites, Isotrope agreed to expand the scope when another subcontractor was unable to understand the configurations of the facilities and left the project.
SCADA System – Radio Link Engineering, Network Design And System Design, Water District, California
As a subcontractor , Isotrope performed all radio frequency engineering work in developing a network design for 46 site water and sewer system. Later, Isotrope was tasked with designing a 46 site SCADA system and redesigning the network to use DSL technology.
Resort Radio System
In a private project for a resort in southeastern Massachusetts, Isotrope performed field testing and network design, and installation for a resort-owned four-channel trunked radio system to support the resort’s high quality of service to its guests, replacing an unreliable wireless telephone push-to-talk network service and saving hundreds of thousands of dollars of wireless subscription fees over the projected life of the system.
SCADA System Upgrade Study, Water District, Massachusetts
The water district of this Cape Cod town was looking for an efficient way to provide better connectivity between its water system sites and the control point at the main office. In addition to basic SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition) communications, there was an interest in providing security video. Isotrope evaluated the possible radio signal paths at various relevant radio frequencies and compared the conventional SCADA technology (using narrowband land mobile radio frequencies) with LAN (local area network) technologies on microwave frequencies.

Wireless Performance Survey, State Of Utah
In 2011, Isotrope conducted a 9000-mile drive test to map the availability of wireless telephone and data connectivity throughout the state. This project involved developing a test platform that would measure the performance of 5 commercial wireless networks and using the platform to conduct a mobile survey. The results were provided to the Utah Automated Geographic Reference Center as part of the federally funded Broadband Technology Opportunities Program. In 2013 Isotrope conducted the drive test again.

Radio Tower Project, Sheriff’s Office, Massachusetts
A replacement radio tower was required in conjunction with the relocation of the county Emergency Operations Center to new facilities. The project involved determining the needs of the stakeholders in communications on the site, developing specifications for the new tower and antennas to be mounted on it, obtaining bids, obtaining permits, obtaining FAA and local airport approvals (site is on an airport), overseeing construction, and testing the final installation of cables and antennas.