Skills and Technology

Mapping and Measurement

Isotrope Wireless performs coverage analysis with coverage mapping technology and field measurement technology (including wireless drive test gear).

Wireless Permit Application

In support of wireless facility permit application reviews, Isotrope often prepares coverage maps of the applicant’s network and of alternatives discussed in the hearing process.  These serve to double check the work of the applicant’s technicians, because they do sometimes make mistakes.  In some instances, drive testing of existing coverage (scan testing) or the coverage of proposed facilities or their alternatives (CW testing) is performed to resolve discrepancies on the record.

Public Policy Mapping

In addition to performing mapping services in application proceedings, Isotrope generates community wide coverage maps. These maps help inform the public process of revising regulations.  Coverage maps for each carrier are prepared, illustrating where the most likely pressure points are for future wireless facilities to be placed.  Regulations can be modified to anticipate the needs for new facilities.  Recently Isotrope Wireless modeled the wireless coverage of the carriers operating in Branford, Connecticut. The results are available on the Branford GIS website.

Network Benchmarking

Drive testing is performed to benchmark the actual performance of wireless networks.  The simplest form of drive testing involves measuring the signal strength (the “coverage”) of one or more wireless networks.  This information can be translated to maps for comparison with computer estimated coverage maps.  More complex drive testing involves the making of automated calls and data links on wireless devices to test the performance of the network.

In 2011 and 2013, Isotrope conducted  9000-mile drive tests of the state of Utah, collecting information on the data link speeds of the mobile wireless service providers.  This project was federally funded under the State Broadband Initiative and administered by the Utah Public Service Commision, the Utah Automated Geographic Reference Center, and the Utah Governor’s Office of Economic Development.  The Utah broadband initiative has published on-line mapping.

Drive testing is also helpful in situations where the presence or extent of a gap in service is in doubt or dispute.

Contact Isotrope Wireless to discuss mapping and drive testing needs.

Examples of projects and clients

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